Governor Committee Details
Our Governing Body Committees and Their Roles and Responsibilities
Full Governing Body
All Governors are members of the Full Governing Body and are expected to attend a minimum of three meetings per school year. There are different kinds of Governors:
The different categories of governor are:
• parent governors who have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school. If there are insufficient nominations from parents to fill the vacancies, the governing body has to appoint parents
staff governors who are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues. This category includes the Headteacher (who serves in an ex-officio capacity), teaching and non-teaching staff. Unlike parent governors, when a member of staff leaves the school he/she must also leave the governing body
• co-opted governors are appointed on to the governing body by the other members because they come from a specialist group, such as the business community or because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school
• foundation governors who are appointed by the school's founding body, which in most cases is the Church. This category of Governor must be in the majority at every meeting
• authority governors who are nominated by the local Councillor and appointed by the governing body
• associate members are not actually governors but can be appointed to serve on committees and attend meetings of the full governing body. They do not have the right to vote at meetings of the full governing body.
Governors with specific areas
SEND - Emma Boardman / Dawn Evans
Safeguarding - Sam Lewis
LAC - Sam Lewis
Religion - Father Matthias
Health and Safety - John Smith
Pupil/Sport Premium - Martin Buckley
Governors for admissions decisions (2 for decisions/2 for appeals) - Peter Welsh, John Smith for decisions / Emma Boardman + 1 other governor for appeals
Headteacher Performance Management - John Smith / Emma Boardman / Dawn Evans
Staffing and Finance Committee
This committee is responsible for overseeing the school budget in both the short and long term. Regular monitoring of the budget takes place along with the setting of new budgets each financial year. This committee will also oversee the appointment and monitoring of staffing levels. The committee will oversee the spending of specific budget streams such as Pupil Premium and Sport Premium. The committee will report to the full governing body.
Current members are:
Peter Welsh
Martin Buckley
Emma Boardman
John Smith
Gemma Currie
Carl McIver
Pay Review Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing the recommendations made by the Headteacher with regards to Pay progression for teachers. This will be at least 2 governors who are not on the Pay Appeal committee.
Pay Appeal Committee
This committee is responsible for appeals where a member of staff does not agree with the decision reached by the Pay Review Committee
Current members are:
Any 2 members who are not on the Pay Committee (not Parents or Staff Governors)
Admission Committee
This committee is responsible for agreeing admissions to the school with particular reference to the admission of children to reception.
This committee will be formed by any three governors as a minimum as required.
There are further committees that will be formed when needed – such as Disciplinary Committee, Exclusion Committee.
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