Pupils Introduction
Pupil Leadership
We believe the best schools have a pupil lead culture where children take on key leadership roles and get their voice heard. We whole-heartedly value the work of our pupil leaders, using it to shape the teaching and learning that happens at our school. We are moulding leaders of the future, ready for work, ready for the world. We strive to craft confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situation.
The aim of the various teams within the Pupil Leadership Team is to give children the chance to have leadership within the school, ensuring that their voices and opinions are heard. We are a pupil lead school, regularly receiving pupil voice to make improvements. Therefore, we are giving the children the opportunity to assist with those improvements along the journey. All Pupil leaders are ambassadors for the school they promote being a ‘steward of the earth’ and help support the school in emphasising its spirituality and Catholicity as set out in our school’s mission statement.
The Pupil leaders have the opportunity to work alongside the School’s Senior Leadership Team to help shape our school on its journey to Outstanding. Pupil leaders also help the governors to make decisions on behalf of the pupils. Each team has a link teacher who works closely with the pupils to develop new projects, arrange events and help the children to contribute to the voice and vision of the school. These teams are made up from children from Key Stage 2, with link children for the other Key Stages.
We believe that all children should be given the opportunity to lead an initiative or hold a position of responsibility that impacts the school, so we offer a range of senior leadership roles. For year 6 children this is part of their personal development and preparation for secondary school. All our Pupil leaders feel that they are valued in their roles and can be easily identified by other their peers. They understand the role and importance of the Leadership teams and the impact that they have had upon the school.
We have two main Pupil leadership teams, with some children advising as Senior Pupil leaders to new applicants for pupil leadership roles.
The GIFT Team – Growing in faith Together and
The SWAT Team- St Willibrord’s Action Team.
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