The School Day

Breakfast Club is available from 8am and is 50p per session. Please ensure that you have booked a place for your child by clicking here

The school gates open for children to come into school at 8:30am and registration closes at 9:00am. 

School finishes at 3pm, Monday – Friday


School gates open at 8:25am and registration closes at 9:00am and all children should be in school and learning by this time. If your child arrives after 9:00am this will be classified as being ‘late after register closed’ and will be classified as an unauthorised absence for that session (unless we have suitable proof for the reason for your child's late arrival to school).

This is monitored closely by school and the Local Authority for any further action which may need to be taken.


It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their children arrive at school on time. Lateness can disrupt the learning of others and can result in a pupil feeling greater stress and achieving poorer outcomes.

90 percent attendance means that your child is absent from school lessons for the equivalent of one half day per week. Over five years this is the equivalent of about one half of a school year. Research shows a close link between attendance at school and a child’s achievement. Being late adds up to a loss of learning.

All time out of school affects learning and achievement for pupils.

If a pupil arrives after registration has closed (9.00am) the absence will be recorded as unauthorised for that session. If this persists legal action, in the form of a Penalty Notice or Prosecution under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996 may follow.

Minutes late per day Equivalent of missing
5 Minutes 3.4 school days per year
10 Minutes 6.9 school days per year
15 Minutes 10.3 school days per year
20 Minutes 13.8 school days per year
25 Minutes 20.7 school days per year
Please make sure your child arrives at school on time (8.45am)
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