We use a variety of online platforms to set homework for our children. All of the platforms require a username and password for your child to be able to enter them which have been sent via email to all parents. If you would like these sending again please speak to the school office.
Our platforms are
The aims and objectives of homework are:
We encourage the children to read by giving them books to take home to read with their parents. We give guidance information to parents to help them achieve the maximum benefit from this time spent reading with their child.
We also ask Key Stage 1 children to learn spellings or mathematical tables as part of their homework. Sometimes we ask children to talk about a topic at home prior to studying it in school. When we ask children to study a topic or to research a particular subject, we encourage them to use the school and local library and the Internet and CD-ROMs.
We also ask Key Stage 1 children to learn spellings or mathematical tables as part of their homework.
We continue to give children the sort of homework activities outlined above. We set literacy and numeracy homework routinely each week and we expect the children to consolidate and reinforce learning done in school through practice at home.
We also set homework as a means of helping the children to revise for examinations as well as to ensure that prior learning has been understood.
We increase the amount of homework that we give the children as they move through the school. We expect Key Stage 1 children to spend approximately one hour a week doing homework, although this may well include reading with a parent. We expect children in years 3 and 4 to spend approximately 15–20 minutes per night on homework and children in years 5 and 6 to spend approximately 30 minutes per night.
We give all the children a school diary where they or the teacher or learning teaching assistant records the homework, and where parents and teachers make any relevant comments.
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