Quick Links
As you will have noticed we are conversing much more with Parents/Guardians via email.
Below is a list of the most visited links which will hopefully make filling in forms/permissions/information much easier!
Breakfast club is available from 8am - please see the link below to book a place. Please note you must select the dates you wish your child(ren) to attend on a weekly basis. There is a maximum capacity of 100 children per session.
There is a charge of 50p per session for our breakfast club.
If your child is coming to Booster sessions and you would like them to come for Breakfast please do book a slot
PLEASE NOTE: Entrance to the Breakfast Club is through the front door entrance (by the office) to school and not the side entrance.
Click here for Breakfast club forms
Please follow the below link when your details change in order for us to have the most up to date contact details.
It is really important that we have the most up to date details for us to be able to contact you. This makes sure that if there is an emergency or your child is not too well then we can get in touch with you or with someone that you have nominated to be able to care for your child in an emergency.
This also makes sure that we are sending out any letters / updates / newsletters to the correct email address.
Click here to Update Contact Details forms
Please follow the link below to fill out an application to our school. This application is for Nursery, Year 1 - Year 6. If you would like to apply for a place in our Reception class please ensure you have applied with your local council.
Click here for application forms
Pupil Leave of Absence from School
Please follow the link below if you would like to request leave of absence for your child/ren from school.
Please note all siblings can be included on the one form.
Click here for Holiday request forms
When appropriate we will apply sun cream to the children before they go out to play. Please ensure you have filled in the permission form for your child to inform us if they can/can not have school sun cream applied
Click here for Sun Cream forms
If your child is in Reception / Year 1 / Year 2 - the government will pay for your child to have a school dinner each day
If your child is in Nursery / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 - dinners are charged at £2 per day payable in advance please.
If you believe that you are entitled to receive free school meals please speak to a member of the office staff (0161) 223 9345 or you can check online by clicking on this link:
To pay for school dinners
Go online to our payment page and pay for school dinners here
Absence from School (due to illness)
If your child is not going to be able to come to school for any reason it is important that you
let us know.
There are a number of ways to do this
We may require evidence of the reasons for your child being absent (such as an appointment card / letter from your doctor) but please speak to a member of staff about your child's absence and we can let you know if we require any further evidence.
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