Advice and Information

Please click on the following links for our dynamic documents relating to Covid

'Recovery’ Plan - this is the plan before children move up to their next classes at the end of September

Handwashing Guidance

Dynamic Risk Assessment

Please see the below letters with more guidance depending on the individual situation. These will be sent out to each family if/when they are required.

Letter - Child sent home with symptoms

Letter - Child sent home as a sibling of someone showing symptoms

Letter - Parent informed school of child having symptoms

Letter - Parent informing us of a sibling who has shown symptoms

Letter - Track and trace

Letter - Travel Quarantine

If you have any questions please contact the office on 0161 2239345

Please follow this link for our COVID Flow diagram and Flow chart

We have received updated guidance from Manchester Health regarding the requirements for PCR testing. This is to help to try to reduce the number of positive cases and spread of COVID-19 through asymptomatic cases

If someone shows one of the main symptoms:

  • New persistent cough
  • High temperature
  • Loss of sense of taste or smell

Then the person should isolate and take a PCR test.

There are now identified wider symptoms - if someone shows any of these symptoms they should book for a PCR test as soon as possible but DO NOT need to isolate unless a positive test result is received

The wider symptoms are:

  • Diarrhoea
  • A persistent headache
  • Fever and/or chills
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue / tiredness
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Blocked or runny nose
  • Feeling sick or being sick

Please do speak to school if you need any help in booking a PCR test as we guide you through how to do this when your child is not showing one of the main symptoms.

If anyone in your household or anyone you have had close contact with shows symptoms:

  • ALL members of the household must isolate immediately
  • ALL members of the household must book PCR tests (not lateral flow tests) even if you are not showing any of the symptoms
  • You must inform all schools / settings where your children attend
  • You must follow the instructions given by schools / NHS / Public Health / Track and Trace exactly If anyone in your household / close contacts tests positive for Covid-19
  • ALL members of the household must isolate immediately
  • ALL members of the household must book PCR tests (not lateral flow tests) even if you are not showing any of the symptoms
  • You must inform all schools / settings where your children attend
  • You must follow the instructions given by schools / NHS / Public Health / Track and Trace exactly If your child is identified as a 'close contact' of someone testing positive for Covid-19
  • Your child must self isolate for the period of time identified.
  • Your child MUST NOT leave your home for any reason during this period of self isolation If you have other children at school you MUST NOT being your child who is self isolating to school with you.
  • Other people in your household do not need to self isolate UNLESS anyone in your household shows symptoms.

If you are not sure what to do please speak to school for advice or telephone 119 to speak to someone on the Covid-19 helpdesk who will be able to give you immediate advice.

What will school do?

In all circumstances we will consult with Public Health England / Public Health Manchester / Manchester LA and ask for guidance based upon each individual circumstance. As Manchester is currently classified as an Enhanced Response Area due to the high rate of the Delta variant we will always act cautiously. This is to protect your children and our staff - a decision to close a bubble is never taken lightly.

What is a 'close contact'?

If you have been less than 2m away from a person this is any contact over 1 minute.

If you were at 2m distance any contact for over 15 minutes

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