Year 2
Welcome to our class page.
In Year 2, we have been thinking about our role in school and at home. Who does our school belong to? How can we do more at home and at school? We are thinking about how we can be more responsible at home and at school, especially through our Chosen People topic in Religion.
We have made delicious pizzas to complete our topic on writing instructions and are now looking at a number of traditional tales and how we can make them our own.
In Numeracy our focus has been consolidating our knowledge of counting, number and place value, with a shift to addition and subtraction coming soon.
Our Great Fire of London topic has seen us think about the feelings of those who were there, as well as beginning to look at the life of Samuel Pepys.
In Science we have been looking at our local environment in school as well as that at Clayton Vale.
We’ve had a very busy and productive half-term already and appreciate all of your support!